1 definition by Sen of the Walking Ray of Moonlight Tribe

This phrase has been used in word boxing for many years. It's useful in every setting from family to new love.
It tends to be used primarily as a counter phrase when one is made to feel uncomfortable. Also used if the user feels they have over stepped some boundary.It's usually followed by a new topic as quickly as possible, or by silence.

The use of ya instead of you directs the listeners mind to a softer, less serious side of speech.
Person 1.. I sure am glad I met you. I think we could be great together, your so special.
Person 2.. Oh.. you know I love ya. Hey did I tell you my cat had kittens?

Person 1..I never get so drunk I forget what I did.
Person 2.. Really? so you remember hookin' up with your second cousin at the club last week?
Person 1.. No you didn't!
Person 2..Oh, you know I love ya girl.
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