12 definitions by Sebastian294

In simple plain words: a mind control program by the CIA during the cold war
Guy1: I heard that our comrade had been brainwashed by the capitalists

Guy2: yes cos during the nam war, our friend was captured by the capitalists and being experimented in the CIA program "MKUltra"
by Sebastian294 February 26, 2021
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A website where 95% of all definitions have to include something sexual

The website is just a "slang word" dictionary..... well almost
guy1: hows the browsing of urban dictionary been?
guy2: weird. everything in the website has to include sexual things
by Sebastian294 March 20, 2021
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What you say during a press meeting if the discussion or brief is about the mission's illegality
Haig: Sir their requests are highly irregular, most likely illegal. If the press gets old

Mason: What the hell are you talking about? Do you know who we are?
Woods: Every mission we go on is illegal
by Sebastian294 February 21, 2021
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just like Reddit moment, you post a submission on that sub where one redditor or a group of redditors do something cringey as hell. in rare instances, there are screenshots of very serious submissions containing a ton of awards. most notably the "wholesome" award, members of the sub typically say phrases like "OMG YOU USED AN EMOJI😮😮😮 SORRY THE RULES IMPLY I MUST DOWNVOTE" or say "keanu chungus wholesome 100" to some sumbmissions
the title : my dad died during a car accident
post : gets 100 wholesome awards and other awards

random redditor in the comments: why is there a ton of wholesome awards? oh well r/redditmoment it goes
by Sebastian294 October 7, 2020
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Part of London where it's just crime and stabbing people
Guy1: ey where ye goin?
Guy2: North London

Guy1: ehh good luck on not gettin stabbed
by Sebastian294 March 20, 2021
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The infamous award in reddit. Apparently, redditors often give this award to serious posts
teenager: *gets brutally killed by a bear*

the redditards: Seems wholesome to me *give wholesome award*
by Sebastian294 December 6, 2020
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A subreddit where you share some stupid ironic memes and also has A lot of Gay retards
Hey this guy from r/okbuddyretard is Gay and retarded
by Sebastian294 January 25, 2020
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