5 definitions by Sausage

when a girl has everything going for her except her ability to bake a cake
bro 1: I met a chick last night, great body, cute face, awesome personality. but when we went back to her house her cake game was poor as hell.
bro 2: no point in calling a butter cake back
by Sausage May 31, 2015
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1.) adjective
Describes someone that is being rude or mean. Usually used in a joking manner.


A salad that is made with whatever you have in the fridge at the time.
1.) Kaity, quit being such a hobo salad.

2.) I'm going to make a hobo salad with these eggs and lettuce.
by Sausage September 26, 2014
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A fat African-American man with messed up teeth, he is 3 feet, 2 inches and is also known as Siyani. His street fighting move is called the Siyani-Grab. This is where he takes his hand and grabs the opponents Testicles until they rip off.
" Dude Beetle Juice is one small retarted midget, he smells awful."
by Sausage April 10, 2005
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