6 definitions by Samuel Wilkinson

One with far-more-than-average knowledge of a subject, such that said subject becomes the ruling force of their life, resulting in a heavily depleted set of social skills; despised and/or pitied by geeks and norms alike.
Typically applied to computers, though any subject is viable for nerd-dom.
"Enjoy the dance. The wall of the nerds is at the back."
by Samuel Wilkinson April 8, 2004
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1. Someone, typically a student, inordinately naive and foolish outside of their academic field.

2. (verb) To perform one's scholastic duties to and beyond the call of duty.
1. "You're such a big spod!" she cried.

2. "I'm going to have to spod it today," she commented.
by Samuel Wilkinson April 8, 2004
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A 'normal' person, not a geek or nerd. Most people consider themselves norms, though only around one in a thousand is a true norm.
"It's a war. A war between geeks and norms."
by Samuel Wilkinson April 8, 2004
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Overflowing, typically in a non-literal, metaphorical sense. Origins lie in the inability to use real words at important occasions often experienced by artists and philosophers.
"I'm cheffing with relief that I am not you," he said.
by Samuel Wilkinson April 8, 2004
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A particular variety of spidiot who insists on submitting offensive, mis-spelled, innacurate or obscenity-riddled entries to UrbanDictionary.com under the false impression that this somehow makes them funny.
"There are far too many urban dicks around this site."
by Samuel Wilkinson April 10, 2004
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Someone who has no idea how to use the English language, yet insists on spreading his/her own horribly distorted version around the 'net, unaware or uncaring that they are demonstrating to the world just how stupid they are.
Individual #1: "Dude, you're so gullable. I wan2 kil u."

Individual #2: "You complete spidiot."
by Samuel Wilkinson April 9, 2004
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