4 definitions by Sagghaa

The last name of the famous Slothshath. If he is is called without this word, he will summon the wrath of the sloth army on you. Better beware.
Person 1: Oh I hope Slothshath comes.
Person 2: Oh no... you just didn't call him without the "Gurtu-Bonobo"...
*Person 1 gets overrun and raped by the sloth army.
Person 2: Yep as expected, you get the sloth rape.
by Sagghaa October 17, 2018
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Yash Mudigonda is the mustiest person on the planet. His mere existence radiates must strong enough to wipe out entire galaxies. The only worthy opponent for Yash is the almighty Slothshath, the incarnation of slothfulness and power.
NASA Scientist: Yash Mudigonda is about to arrive to destroy the Earth. What are we supposed to do?
President: Bring out the Slothshath.

NASA Scientist: But sir, the risk is too high!
President: Do it. This is an order.
by Sagghaa October 20, 2019
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A "man" lighter than paper. A mere whistle or breeze can lift him off his feet and send him flying. He thinks he's the shit but in reality, he is just the reject of an anti-vax.
Man 1: OMG is that Chiucchi over there? Let's prank him!
Man 2: Ok. I'm gonna blow in his direction!
by Sagghaa January 27, 2022
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The enzyme used to break down the Must molecule into its smaller musty parts.
Doctor: I'm sorry Yash, but you have been diagnosed with terminal Must. The only cure is to take Mustase enzymes to cure the must.

Yash: Oh no, but I want to be musty, I will take the L and die a musty death.
by Sagghaa October 11, 2019
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