1 definition by SOLEJIMMY

A phrase or sentence that doesn't seem to make any sense.
It is often used in Usenet and other computer circles to indicate a random or surreal sentence; anything out of context (intentionally or not) may be labelled "fnord".
Fnord is that funny feeling you get when you reach for the Snickers bar and come back holding a slurpee.
Fnord is the blue stripes in the road that never get painted.
Fnord is place where those socks vanish off to in the laundry.
Fnord is an arcade game like Pacman without the little dots.
Fnord is a little pufflike cloud you see at 5pm.
Fnord is the empty pages at the end of the book.
Fnord is toast without bread.
Fnord is a venetian blind without the slats.
Fnord is the lint in the navel of the mites that eat the lint in the navel of the mites that eat the lint in Fnord's navel.
Fnord is the bucket where they keep the unused serifs for Helvetica.
Fnord is the color only blind people can see.
Fnord is the the four-leaf clover with a missing leaf.
Fnord is the space in between the pixels on your screen.
Fnord is the smallest number greater than zero.
Fnord lives in the empty space above a decimal point.
Fnord is the redundant coin slot on arcade games.
Fnord is the founding father of the phrase "founding father".
Fnord is the last bit of sand you can't get out of your shoe.
Fnord keeps a spare eyebrow in his pocket.
Fnord invented the green hubcap.
Fnord is why doctors ask you to cough.
Fnord uses two bathtubs at once.

"Say, Bob, how did your open heart surgery go?"

"Pretty well, Steve. My mother got an A on her addition test and went on to become a world class chef."

Fnord fnord fnord
by SOLEJIMMY October 2, 2005
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