An emotion experienced primarily by Millennials and Generation Z. A sort of comforting acceptance that the planet, society, the human race and your entire future is turning to shit before your very eyes. Is usually triggered by a realization of the ridiculousness of the state of the world and late stage capitalism, often occurring during excessive use of technology/social media, or watching the news.

(From Bo Burnham's 'comedy' special Inside)
I was reading the latest climate news and I just felt That Funny Feeling.
by TaylaGreen November 9, 2021
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A feeling of luck and invulnerability that foreshadows opportunity and good fortune. The funny feeling is often to be beckoned and called near the craps or roulette table, which will provide the gambler with clairvoyance on how to place his/her bets.
Craps parlance:

Stickman: "Seven out! New Shooter!"
New Shooter: "Come on Funny Feeling! Daddy needs a new pair of shoes." Places bets and then rolls.
Stickman: "Eleven! Front line winner."
by BustaNutz May 8, 2013
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When your tummy has the grumblies and you feel really funny. The felling is not actually a funny feeling, but a weird feeling that might make you spew out the yuckies.
Hey mom? (Mom responds) Hey honey what´s wrong? (Kid answers) I feel funny.. (Throws up)
by Sohoowusyourday>good February 8, 2022
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When you click to many times on an Orc Peon, or an Orc Grunt for that matter in Warcraft II. That is what you get, you sadistic freak.
by BlarneyDood April 25, 2005
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