12 definitions by SMiek

Jewish New York based musician who used to make good music, then started to make tepid Jewish music (because 'it is his faith').
Met up with funk metal singer Mike Patton, and the rest went downhill from there.
John Zorn was better with Eye that Patton
by SMiek October 29, 2006
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Rollins was good in Black Flag and early Rollins Band. After 'Weight' it all went seriously downhill. Even his spoken word is recently unfunny and rambling, and lacking consistant 'truth' from show to show (meaning most stories are probably made up or massively exaggerated).
Balances his massive ego, self-righteousness, selfpromoting and self-appointingness with being quite a cool guy.
He hates soul-less-ness in music, his rants against the rich musicians like U2 are spot-on, he seems to keep going at it, without really selling out (some argue he had long ago).
Has no time for his fans.
Also annoyingly says he 'loves work'. I'd love your job Henry. Do you want to swap? Let's see if you'd 'love work' then.
On top of the gripes, he is one of the 'straightest' performers in the media, and that is a good thing.
Fan: "Hey Henry, can I have your autograph?"
Henry Rollins: "Fuck off kid! I'm only friendly on stage."
by SMiek April 3, 2006
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'Famous' for going out with, and having a child with, Jade Goody, who is famous for being on Tv's Big Brother, and is now famous for being in celeb mags every week.
Later divorced Jade, and then went onto host or sparsely starring in dumbed down tv programming. He once played a game of celebrity football, with similar z list celebs
Apart from spreading his flawed genetics through child birth, he has done nothing of note
Jeff Brazier should've been sterilised
by SMiek October 29, 2006
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A grassy little village situated in between Prenton and Arrowe Park, that is populated by Chavs, Vermin, Dolites, and the general ilk that is coming to identify Britain of the 21st Century. The estate was built after it was bombed during World War 2, it is currently required a second bombing to wipe out the lowest common denominator, who take luxury in destroying other people's property and set fire to wheelie bins, just to prove who the Alpha Male* is. The parents are unaware, or totally oblivious of what little John Alex, or Tania Ann is doing. It is a mere bus ride away from Birkenhead.

* Alpha Male in the Chav circle can also be identified by his underlying insecurities, tiny wrists, inverted penis, and hairy tongue. He is the first to get hit, and knocked out, if he ever encounters and violence. Usually by his father.
That Woodchurch. It's a FUCKING SHITHOLE.
by SMiek June 7, 2007
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'Radical' guitarist with Rage Against The Machine.
Used the guitar as a 'sampler', in that he could make it go 'woo woo' like a siren. Then proceded to use pedals and feedback to make pretty unimpressive noises.
Wore a cap that said 'Commie', which juxtaposed with the millions of dollar he earnt from three albums etc with RATM. His comments that his band signed to Epic was because they wanted to destroy the machine from the inside, was obviously very naive bullshit.
Now with a very bland, unadventurous, Middle Of The Road band called Audioslave.
Tom ruled on the first RATM album, what he was doing was unheard of before, even the follow up was incredibly different.
Used long words in interviews to sound intellegent.
Tom Morrello says "The youth feel disenfranchised..." or something
by SMiek April 3, 2006
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Homosexual, radio disc jockey from Merseyside who has hosted a talk show for many years.
Talk show features extremely mis-informed, (and sometimes drunk) callers who generally shoot the breeze because they appear to be lonely and old. Subject matter tends to cover trivial topics, and things they have read in The Sun or Daily Mail newspaper.
Anyone putting down the area (Liverpool and Merseyside) or their residing celebrities, are shot down in flames by Mr Price, because you can't say things like that on the show.
Pete Price - "Hello Tracey, what would like to say?"
Tracey - "Ello, I've just had to wait 2 hours for a bus ..."

by SMiek October 29, 2006
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Actor most famous for his role as David Vincent in The Invaders, a science fiction, two season serial filmed in the 1960's. Featured in several films afterwards, most recently appearing in episodes on The X Files, the seemingly unrelated remake of The Invaders starring Scott Bakula, and several films since.

Is currently interested in a proper remake of The Invaders series.
Roy Thinnes is architect David Vincent
by SMiek October 16, 2010
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