1 definition by Ryyaya

Who were born and raised in Florida. Our go to store is Publix and the beach is our home. We all hate tourist and snowbirds. Floridians are used to the bipolar weather and hurricane season. We hate outsiders and only enjoy the company of those who are true Floridians . don’t come down to Florida for a year and say your a Floridan when really your from New Jersey. Most people don’t consider us southerners but if you go down into the Jacksonville/bryceville parts of Florida you’ll really see that we are true southerners. Down there mudding on rangers is the best thing to do. In mid Orlando is where you’ll find the snowbirds. Elderly people on golf carts everywhere eating at crackerbarrel.
Tourists: I’ve lived in Florida for two years so I’m basically a Floridian

True Floridians who lived there whole life: get out now.
by Ryyaya July 2, 2018
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