3 definitions by Ryanhasbigteethfatzahasbigdong

The local newry legend. His trusty steed is a bridge end bike thats at least 600 years old. He is very well known among Northern Ireland and is way better than anything craigavon has to offer. Legend has it that his nike trainer is still in the canal and that whoever gains possesion of this magical item will be granted with the powers of marty himself.

He has a world renowned sexiest man award under his slieve and has the most lucious beard since Zeus. Some people have mistaken him for Santa Clause due to his perfectly cut trim and his almost hulk like muscle tone.
Sean Martine: hey ever heard of Mczilla
Everyone else: *slaps* No that man is bad, normal people say that Marty Bogroll is superior to craigavon itself!
by Ryanhasbigteethfatzahasbigdong September 23, 2020
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The fittest human on earth.

Rumour has it that his dong is at an equal length to St Bridgets blanket.
He is the arch nemesis to the mooney residence.
He uses his oversized dong to eliminate his opponents in hollow knight and in real life.
He gained his super power from fingering an alien called Amy.
Although he gained his ability of dandruff from rubbing heads with Ryan Mc caul.
Fatza has kids in the basement, watch out!
Oh my is that the alien that fatza fingered!
by Ryanhasbigteethfatzahasbigdong February 25, 2020
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Someone who is the most important person to ever exist in a society full of boomers and zoomers. He sits around all day high on coke and weed playing rocket league. This human has made multiple dimensions in which he has taken over the world using only paper clips. This human can also be referred as Peter or Cieran. Both equally Mooney
Peter is looking awful Mooney this morning!

That sexy beasts name is Peter Mooney!
by Ryanhasbigteethfatzahasbigdong December 14, 2019
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