1 definition by Rotten_Ralph

The drug that ruined my sister's life, and put many of my friends out of their heads for good. It's not a bad drug because it makes you go crazy or gives you flashbacks (it only does that sometimes), but it's a bad drug because it BRAINWASHES you into thinking you have some higher knowledge than everyone else and are in touch with some higher power; you basically think your mind is being opened when in reality your perception is so narrowed that you can't see anything in real terms, only in terms of how it relates to Acid/LSD and you base you entire life around so-called "values" you supposedly develop from being under LSD's influence. A fucking waste of time and life if you ask me.
LSD is the tool of a failed group of idealist who still believe they're living in the sixties.
by Rotten_Ralph December 22, 2005
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