1 definition by Rose&Scorpiusforever

Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy was born to Draco Malfoy and Asteria Greengrass in 2005. He entered Hogwarts in 2016, at age 11. Normally, he is paired with Rose Weasley, daughter of Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. They are thought to be a modern Romeo and Juliet becuse of the fued between their fathers. Many believe that Scorpius is destined to be in Gryffindor as a testament to his father's change of heart. This would show the wizarding world that the Malfoys are a changed family. Occasionally however, he is believed to have been sorted into Slytherin and that he changes the way the house is percieved. Whether he is in Gryffindor or in Slytherin, Scorpius is believed to be best friends with Albus Severus Potter. The two appear at many of the Potter family events. One of the ways that Scorpius and Rose might have met is through Albus. The marriage of Scorpius and Rose is thought to bring a final peace to the second Wizarding War.
"Rosie" Scorpius Malfoy called "Are you ready to tell your father about me yet?"
by Rose&Scorpiusforever April 9, 2010
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