4 definitions by Rollo Tomasi

A redneck expression which is meant as a derogatory term for black people. Origin traced to Alabama.
"Man, them dang ol' chili dogs was talkin' so much I couldn't hear the movie.
by Rollo Tomasi January 20, 2005
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In the ghetto, someone might refer to a cheap drink as a short dog, most likely a two dollar silo of beer or something similar.
Yo! Pick me up a short dog when you go down to the store.
by Rollo Tomasi February 10, 2005
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A person who thinks that they are better than others because of a meaningless accesorry or slightly different appearance. Suessian.
That sneetch thinks they're hot snot on a silver platter but, they're really just cold boogers on a paper plate.
by Rollo Tomasi January 20, 2005
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"I'm so mad right now, I could just kick 'em in da titties!"
by Rollo Tomasi January 21, 2005
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