1 definition by Roicia

A collocation of the French term "Nouveau", and bogan to describe people that live middle class lives yet still behave, dress, and speak like bogans.

This new suburban Australian may be recognised by the following traits: frequent use of limited-vocabulary-expletives, successive big-ticket purchases transported back to the suburbs on roof racks, and drinking mid-priced wine from a plastic tumbler while wearing sleep-wear during the daytime.

Rising to notoriety with the popular Australian TV series "Kath and Kim", this breed can be seen drinking cappuccinos, with extra sugar, in large suburban shopping centres such as Southland, The Pines, Northgate, Miranda Fair, Highpoint etc.

See also: cashed-up-bogans.
"The new neighbours are total noubogues. Did you see their pleather recliners?
by Roicia July 7, 2010
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