3 definitions by Roderick Sterling

In Skyfall, besides describing woman as a challenge, the word also describes the woman as a temptress, an alluring woman who seduces and/or exploits men. So bond pretty much covered everything in a woman, alluring, seductive, challenging, and with a possibility of exploiting her man.
Can't really describe a lot of young ladies as provocatrix nowadays.

Congratulations David, she is a provocatrix.
by Roderick Sterling November 25, 2013
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The term you probably heard in Skyfall, in that particular context, Provocatrix means a Challenger, and a Challenger (female) in that context means something or someone challenging. So, Bond described a woman as a "challenge."
Men can only be serious with provocatrix women, everything else has little long term potential, men love women who value themselves.
That provocatrix girl is impossible to impress.
I don't know how you can date her, she is such a provocatrix.
by Roderick Sterling November 20, 2013
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The term means to interact in a provocative way, daring someone to resist you. When you are angry at someone, and instead of speaking about it, you do something to annoy them in hopes that they will argue with you, you’ve got a chip on your shoulder. Proactive Passive Aggression.
You've got a chip on your shoulder.
I cannot stand her she's got a chip on her shoulder.
by Roderick Sterling April 4, 2018
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