29 definitions by Rimbozaggy

A grain silo that has been converted to a man cave
Jim was sick of hearing his wife bitch about her bunions so he went out to the brotunda to drink beer and watch porn.
by Rimbozaggy March 30, 2023
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Janice had a sore vagina after participating in a 6-man cocaine fueled clam-slam in the nightclub's storeroom.
by Rimbozaggy March 30, 2023
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Vendettamorphosis (noun) - the process of transforming from a mild-mannered, peace-loving individual into a revenge-seeking, grudge-holding fiend. It typically occurs after someone has been wronged, and they become fixated on seeking retribution against their perceived oppressor. Symptoms may include obsessively plotting schemes, muttering curses under one's breath, and an intense desire for justice (or revenge, depending on your perspective). Treatment may include meditation, therapy, or simply learning to let it go.
"After years of putting up with his boss's abuse, John experienced a vendettamorphosis and decided to get even by stealing all of his office supplies and leaving anonymous complaints to HR."
by Rimbozaggy April 21, 2023
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nar· chae· ol· o· gy ˌär-kē-ˈä-lə-jē

1: the science of sifting through the evidence and applying critical thinking to determine if someone is a victim of narcissism versus someone who is projecting their own narcissism.

2: the scientific study of narcissistic remains (such as their effects on relationships, sanity, personal outlook, and ability to form new relationships.)

narchaeologicalˌnär-kē-ə-ˈlä-ji-kəl adjective
narchaeologically ˌär-kē-ə-ˈlä-ji-k(ə-)lē adverb
narchaeologistˌär-kē-ˈä-lə-jist noun
"Fred has a blog dedicated to publicly smearing people while simultaneously asserting he is the victim of their abuse. Narchaeologists say this is a common form of narcissistic projection and gaslighting but many are unable to see the irony."

"Linda has gone no-contact with Jim after enduring years of his abuse. Jim has been deprived of his narcissistic supply so he harasses her incessantly while employing a word salad to accuse her of 'violent silence' and 'passive aggressive torture' in an effort to solicit a response from her. It doesn't require a degree in narchaeology to read between the lines and see through Jim's bullshit."

"Respected narchaeologist I. Carl Bolshit writes in his book 'CrazyMaking: Projecting projection and similar mind-fucking techniques' that the debate about whether narcissists believe their own lies has been raging in academic circles for years."

"Kay Keneetit, President of the NIA (Narchaeological Institute of America) recently outed himself as a long-time covert narcissist in a series of events that has the scientific community reeling."

"Narchaelogically speaking, the 'flying monkeys' that enable narc abuse are often found to lack common sense."

"After performing a 4 week narchaeological dig on Bill and Susan's marriage, it was discovered by their relationship counselor that even though Bill constantly refers to himself as an empath and a victim, he has an unquenchable thirst for drama and thinks he has moral authority over Susan."
by Rimbozaggy March 29, 2023
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A mental disorder characterized by the fear of turning gay after drinking Bud Light.
After being diagnosed with Tran-Heuser Busch Syndrome, Frank dedicated his life to raising awareness of the disease in the Breitbart and Fox News comment sections.
by Rimbozaggy April 7, 2023
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a pubic hair style characterized by long woven braids
Nashiqua spent all her rent money on a beave-weave and a pack of Newports so now she has been relegated to hoeing in order to avoid being evicted by her landlord.
by Rimbozaggy March 30, 2023
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Someone who uses their penis to apply a bead of semen around someones outer rectum while ejaculating.
Jim's OCD compelled him to rimweld Paul's asshole like he was sealing it shut for the night.
by Rimbozaggy March 30, 2023
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