3 definitions by RickGoldfield and FrankGuitar

Cool old guy who likes to remain radical and continues participating in activities of his youth.
Look at that slurp turp geezer riping the bong! What a legend!
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The sexual act of, before finishing, finding the light switch (or any light source) and rapidly turning it on and off while screaming and attacking your partner; and then cuming in their eyes while simultaneously turning the light source off and creating and audible thunder like sound.
"brought a girl back to my hotel last night and there was a power outage, so I gave her the old Brazilian thunder without touching a switch."
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Trailer trolls who like dirty drugs and sleeman; you can identify their nests by finding wolf or lion blankets hanging in their trailer or car windows (whichever one they are staying in for the night); they also often stink.
- I use to like Tibbs, but then he started hanging out with a bunch of scumpunks.

- Mann one of those dirty dinks had a bloody handprint for a week living in his trailer trash and Tibbs would just chill there; I guess he's part of the scummerhood now...
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