3 definitions by RichYa

Mckfc is when you don't know if you should get maccas or KFC, so you decide to get both and go on with your life.
by RichYa August 3, 2018
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A spastic bombasium is one level above a "spastic" this person is a absolute fucking retard and is the most annoying piece of shit in the world.
by RichYa August 3, 2018
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Jebook or Jebooked is when you make someone do an action and then you instantly deny that shit, its like getting jebaited.

DEFINTION 2 is where you quickly steal somthing from someone.
"Get Jebooked" "Ima Jebook his ass" "I jebooked that shit real quick"
by RichYa February 3, 2019
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