1 definition by Rhin0 Wreck

A combination of Jake/Jacob and Zachary. Most likely given to a boy by indecisive American parents that wanted their child to have a unique name. Jakerys aren't very common so there really isn't a stereotype to describe them as. If they're anything like Jakes and Zachs, they can be a nerd when it comes to school and excels in class or a sport jockey (will start out playing soccer/football but can branch out into baseball/football once they're older. Or both. Or they might be gay. Hell, maybe even all three. THAT would be a unique person. Their name would accurately describe their traits as a rare breed of human.
"You hear about that new kid Jakery?"
"Yeah it's a really weird name but he's crushing on Jacob. He's also the smartest kid in my AP Civics class."
"Really? He stomped my team's ass in gym when we played basketball. He follows MLB, NFL, NBA, EFL, and all of the other sports accounts on Instagram..."
"Damn he's gay, smart, AND good a sports?! Guess his personality lives up to his unique name..."
by Rhin0 Wreck March 13, 2020
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