2 definitions by Resident Of Earth

An individual whose cranium is consistently focused in the direction of hand-held electronic devices on their person and oblivious to what is going on around them.
WHOoOA! OUCH!....Did you see that? That ihead just strolled across without waiting for the walk signal. Never even saw the bus coming.
by Resident Of Earth July 25, 2009
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An individual who can't go 5 minutes without injecting themselves with some sort of visual or auditory stimuli, using any electronic device with a picture of a used apple on it.
Pssst...Hey!...Listen you iddict, we're trying to watch the movie and your icrap is friggn bright as hek. Put that thing away or I'll smack you in the ihead with this bowl of popcorn.
by Resident Of Earth July 25, 2009
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