2 definitions by Regina1

The unjust keeping down of others by force... in today's and past societies people were opressed by RACISM as well as violence. One of the main factors of oppresion is human nature and it's regulation...?
the oppression of a people by a tyrant during a monarchy along with the oppression of blacks during the times of slavery
by Regina1 August 2, 2006
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It is human nature to be self centered, to be stereotypical, to find a grudge and milk it for everything it is worth... (Not to contradict myself) this human nature can be regulated to a point just like everything else. The manner of upbringing and moral support has a lot in the regulation of human nature
You baby sit your neighbor’s children for five hours now you want fifty dollars... not because the people are generous but because you "deserve" something for you services... human nature?

It is human nature to hold on the a grudge... blacks thinking that they are still oppress as they were during the times of slavery and at the turn of the century...but NOT A SINGLE PERSON ON EITHER SIDE is still alive NO WHITE OR BLACK PERSON who was present during that time.
*with no intension of being offensive*... slavery is over. I am sorry that it happened to anyone at all at anytime but the human race has and is moving past that time, maybe the races of people need to do that as well?
by Regina1 August 2, 2006
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