1 definition by Redneckalicious

Extremely rare creature, He may only be one (although there are rumors of more), he is always finding ways to make a Coribear smile and fighting his way to her no matter how far away or near she may be. You may find him in a tree-stand during any given hunting season and on the lake and river from spring through fall . He has been spotted in mountainous regions west of central standard time. He has been known to kick some ass and talk some trash.


Do not attempt to take a Coribear away from him. He may actually rip you a new butthole and make you eat your next meal from it.
Is that a Heathbear?
Dang, I wish I was a Coribear. :/

I freakin wish I was a Heathbear so I could have a Coribear!
by Redneckalicious December 26, 2016
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