3 definitions by ReadySebbyGo

The substance created by two individuals during exceptional love making when everything starts getting dangerously slippery. May require the placement of towels. See also: Fuck Puddle.
I can't stay in you babycakes. I can't handle the buckets of slivit. Am I in? I've lost all sensation.
by ReadySebbyGo May 20, 2014
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Its not a bald spot, its a solar panel for my bullshit machine
by ReadySebbyGo January 27, 2005
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Prefect Common Room. Unheated shithole of the school, swarming place of those who find the necessity to discuss modern politics in a habitat that conforms neither to health and safety standards or shannonation. Jos' habitat for doing the Times Crossword.
Im off to the PCR, I hope I dont die
by ReadySebbyGo January 27, 2005
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