2 definitions by RandomDino

The act of being on myspace for an extensive amount of time (3 hours or more), while not realizing how much time has gone by, and really not doing recieving any comments or messages, just spacing out, checking you friends list every five minutes, for no particular reason, and clicking on profiles you know are private. No one knows why this is done or what causes this phenomenon. We're all guilty of it.
Whatcha doin?
nm. Just myspacing
by RandomDino September 8, 2007
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Someone from a non-coastal city, such as San Jose, but likes to visit the nearby coastal city, such as Santa Cruz. They are hated severely by the locals, and we all wish they would just go away and stop crowding our beaches. When driving by the beach during summer or weekends, the phrase "fuckin valleys" can be heard frequently.
by RandomDino September 8, 2007
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