4 definitions by Random historian

That empty feeling when you finish a good game. Don’t worry, it’s natural for the games you get invested in. You’ll get over it. I’m sorry you feel this way, but it’s ok, we’ll help you through it, because gamers are bros.
I experienced Post-game depression after beating the revenge of the Sith video game.
by Random historian July 7, 2022
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A nazi collaboration government which was created for the purposes of ethnic cleansing, and German colonization. They are usually misspelled as riechskommissariat. Reichskommissariats are usually found in pieces of media where Nazi Germany won or pushed the Allies to a stalemate.
Damn, reichskommissariat ostland just got assblasted by the Soviets.
by Random historian January 6, 2022
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A civilian occupation government set up by nazi germany. The purpose was to begin ethnic cleansing, be colonized by Germans, and finally be annexed by the nazis. Only 5 could be established, but more were planned had the nazis won, or controlled the planned territories. They also play a role in the TNO mod for Hoi4.
What ever happened to the riechskommisariats?” - Adolf Hitler, 1945
by Random historian October 15, 2021
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