3 definitions by Radialsnow

When you personally narrate your personal narrative while personally narrating how you personally narrated your first personal narrative
Yesterday I played Elite: Dangerous and personally narrated all of my personal narrative about personally narrating personal narrative
by Radialsnow January 16, 2021
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Imagine you write "Kurva" somewhere on the internet, and someone has the guts to correct you with "*Kurwa", even though every language other than Polish and their dialects spell it "Kurva".
Strong Slavic/Hungarian sperm: Kurva!
Weak sperm Westoid retard: *Kurwa
Strong Slavic/Hungarian sperm: Shut the fuck up retarded Westoid.
by Radialsnow March 19, 2023
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The big red button in the Polish PM's office, ready to be pressed at a moment's notice when a Russian soldier farts over the border
-Sir! A Russian soldier has accidentally pissed over the border!
-Very well, initiate article 5
-Are you sure sir? Once the genie is out of the bottle, we can't put him back in.
*Tanc a lelek starts playing*
by Radialsnow October 31, 2022
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