2 definitions by RaNdOm CiTiZeN Of ClAuSaNiA

Clausania is a very random kingdom rulled by Claus - the man of god. He and Veronika - his wife rule the country. They live under a bridge because they are very poor and they own all of clausanias bridges. the most common holiday in Clausania is Christmas, thay celebrate it 5 times a year its they day of Clauses future death. the royal family have 1 child (claush) and a loyal slave Wiktor yia.
- u don\t desreve to be a citizen of clausania, ur not random enough
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The land where Claus- the man of god is the king. The people that live there are very random. They speak Clausish there. The most common holiday celebrATED there is christmas, they celebrate it 5 times a year. Even tho Claus is a king, he is still very poor and lives under all of the bridges of Clausania with Veronika.
- U are not even good enough to be a citizen of Clausania ! U are not random enough : (
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