2 definitions by RW250

AKA Gray Subject

- A term to describe a subject in which one may refrain from giving an opinion because of fear of backlash from both sides of the argument

- A term to describe a subject in which both/all sides of a debate have compelling points, but neither can get to a conclusion
- "Are you pro-life or pro-choice?"
- "That's kind of a grey subject for me so I'd rather not answer."
by RW250 March 13, 2017
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Short for cuckold

A person (usually a man) who lets others (usually women) metaphorically walk all over them in the name of "being a better person", or as a fetish.
- This guy lets misandrists shackle him with a collar like a dog because he believes that masculinity is toxic

- Wow, what a cuck
by RW250 March 29, 2017
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