3 definitions by RRR

Panties, underwear, briefs and boxers: all forms of undergarments that people wear. Possible a vulgar way or slang way of saying it.
You own 30 pairs of under-roos but only really wear about 4 pairs!
by RRR June 9, 2004
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noun 1. A piece of peculiarly oleaginous canine excrement of an adhesive disposition that is trodden on whilst unwittingly walking in the public places that is not noticed until it is transferred to the cuffs of your trousers and then enmeshes itself in the tread of your shoe such that after the offending event itself you have an awful realisation that a foul stench accompanies you wherever you go and is removed, with great difficulty, by a stick aided by jets of water under great pressure which, of course, causes all of your trousers to become inundated.

2. Any similarly unpleasant event akin to getting dog shit on your shoe.

3. Any really stupid person who thinks they are a great entrepreneur who has dangerous economic fantasies who causes bankers and other lenders to willing suspend their disbelief leading to the loss of a shit load of other people’s money.
I got caught by a hendoo today. Shit!
Noting the common connection – shit, a general purpose word for use whenever you see a loser coming onto the horizon.
by RRR June 8, 2013
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One who is his/herself
Mike actually danced last night. What a dork
by RRR November 13, 2003
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