2 definitions by R0M4N-NUM3R4L

The act of deleting something in the same style of yeetus
Bro 1: Yo bro
Bro 2: Ya bro?
Bro 1: You wanna know something cool I can do bro?
Bro 2: Sure bro
Bro 1: Deletus thy Sheetus
Bro 2: Yo broooooo did you just deletus thy sheetus?
Bro 1: Yea bro
Bro 2: broooo
by R0M4N-NUM3R4L November 11, 2019
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The act of yeeting something in a more elegant fashion, especially if someone has touched something of yours.
I yeetus the fetus named Cletus because he eatus my treatus so I clicked deletus.
by R0M4N-NUM3R4L November 11, 2019
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