6 definitions by R. Brown

long, curved clipping from a toenail used to pick food from teeth
"I had a piece of cilantro stuck in my tooth, so I pulled off my sock and peeled off a mexican toothpick from my big toe and got it out."
by R. Brown June 11, 2007
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a wheel barrow, hand truck or dolly.
"Pedro just cut off his toe with the shovel! Then dump out that cement, and take him in the mexican ambulance."
by R. Brown June 11, 2007
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Hot Tamale, preferably from a road side vendor.
"hey Chico, pull over to that Roach Coach, I wanna get a dozen Mexican popcicles."
by R. Brown January 22, 2008
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a plastic wal-mart bag stuck in the needles of a cactus, blown from the wind. Usually seen from road while driving through the desert.
"We were driving down to Cabo San Lucas and witnessed all the cacti were in full bloom with the mexican national flower."
by R. Brown June 11, 2007
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When a person is tied up, usually to a pole, and has a tire soaked in gasoline placed over their head (where the tire rests on the shoulders and head sticks through the hole) and ultimately lit on fire. the result is a slow burning, extremely hot, rubber melting fire. The end result is a charred body from the waist up and wire rings from the tire's steelbelt hung around the neck and skull resembling a necklace.
"that store clerk shortchanged me, so I tied her to a toilet and gave her a steelbelted necklace"
by R. Brown June 11, 2007
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broken glass, usually from beer bottles, cemented points up on top of a block or concrete privacy wall.
"I was going to hop Chico's fence last night and take the rims off his Impala, but I got cut up by his Mexican Barbwire."
by R. Brown June 11, 2007
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