4 definitions by Quif Chang Caine

The ironic loss and of all culture in the face of mob trends, modernity, globalism, and multiculturalism.
The scammer tried to pull the culture card to get sympathy, but no one fell for it as they knew he was also just a part of mudernity like everyone else.
by Quif Chang Caine August 22, 2023
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A woman who uses sex or relationships in an attempt to gain status off of a perceived alpha male. A status parasite who think by being with an alpha it makes them one too. A play on sycophant and suck.
Sally had a smug look on her face when she told the story of how she slept with the pro athlete, but everyone rolled their eyes as she was just a suckophant.
by Quif Chang Caine June 1, 2023
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Someone who is overly interested in hillbilly interests such as hunting, fishing, quads, Cabela's, snowmobiling, outdoors gear/lifestyle.
Colton and Sarah had new matching artic cat snow suits at the poker derby, what a couple of geekbillies.
by Quif Chang Caine June 13, 2023
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A person who advertises that they are a Buddhist for attention or clout. Referencing how real estate agents rent bus benches to advertise their business and have their face seen.
The Buddhist teacher could have easily made a video without splashing their face all over but it was obvious they were really a bus bench Buddhist and it was all about their ego and trying to come across as wise.
by Quif Chang Caine June 13, 2023
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