18 definitions by Psychomaniac66

meanign enough or okay in Turkish
it was a hastag against the president to say that he should stop

however it has been proven that many of the account that said Tamam were actually bot accounts, though it is unknown who created them the primary suspects are the CHP who themselves created the hashtag
though he tweeted tamam devam was still more popular
by Psychomaniac66 June 15, 2018
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a specific type of male Russian mobster, typically in his 35+ years with expirience.

there are only 2 types of Ivans:

first there's the Ivan who is too married to his job like a machine
then there is the non standard Ivan who's got a screw loose in his head

(quote by Alperen Kulci and Ryohgo Narita)
Simon is not your typical Ivan
by Psychomaniac66 June 15, 2018
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A man who rejects the concept of an Alpha Male described by "Alperen Kulci" as:

a man (often young of age)

MOST IMPORTANTLY he will often claim to be an Alpha even if he is clearly a Beta.

he usually (not always) is a male who does not believe in the traditional gender roles of a men, he refuses to do his "manly duties" like earning a good income having real comitment and respecting elders, often this male is a cuck or sissy but does not have to be


This description is for 85 to 95% of omega males but not all
The characters in Friends and HIMYM are really Omega males especially Ross, and Ted. Also people who's names are Lauren's Jan (sjw idiot) are also considered
by Psychomaniac66 January 12, 2018
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