2 definitions by PsuedoPsam

Someone guilty of commiting redrum, like in The Shining.
Watch out for that reredrum
by PsuedoPsam November 27, 2011
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1) General assumptions about a group of people often perpetuated through the form of tasteless jokes.

2)Sometimes ironically spread by people joking about their own group.

3) What people sometimes point out in anger unintentionally teaching others about it who have never heard of it and appearing like a bigot.

4) Sometimes accidently said by someone who isn't aware that it's a stereotype and gets weird looks and doesn't know why.
"Oh, it's probably a/an ***** guy ahahah. I'm just kidding, just kidding!"

"What the?"

"Yeah, cause ***** people are known for doing that."

"That's awful. I've never heard that...."

"Yeah, but it's a common stereotype that....Um...Nevermind."

"Haha, dude, you're so awkward right now it's hilarious."
by PsuedoPsam November 27, 2011
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