1 definition by Potatolover ;)

Ryu is the nicest, funniest, most amazing, supportive and kind person. He is the kindest and sweetest person ever and he will do whatever it is to make you happy. He always be there for you whenever your down and make you smile. Just standing next to him, he'll make you smile. He's very very shy and if he likes a girl he never makes the first move. So if you like a Ryu tell him and if your in a relationship with him keep him. He may confuse you a lot at times but he will truly love you with all his heart and make you feel like the most special person in the world. He is also amazing at sports and is especially good at football. He's so patient and smart and he's basically the most amazing person. He's always willing to help someone even if he doesn't know you. So if you have a Ryu in your life make sure you keep him
Olivia: "Ryu is the sweetest"
by Potatolover ;) September 16, 2019
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