2 definitions by Potatogirl1234567890

The best, coolest, most informative magazine in the universe. They have all totally-definitely-super-real-info about all the coolest celeberties.
Person 1: Wow, did you read the newest edition of CAGABAW
Person 2: Yea, I did. did you read the article about Harry Styles, it was so surprising!
by Potatogirl1234567890 May 24, 2023
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Most likely the best trio in the world because they are intelligent, beautiful, athletic and potatoes (which are by far the best living organism in the universe). They are the founders of CAGABAW, the best magazine with totally true information, and also Potat-O's which is the best cereal ever.
Person 1: Wow, look it's CAG, they're like the coolest trio at our school
Person 2: I know! I wish I was as cool as them.
by Potatogirl1234567890 May 24, 2023
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