1 definition by Popendix

Gaser is a word to describe insecure and mostly dumb Serbian zoomers.They wear branded clothing and try to mask their unstable family and unstable personalitys with clothes.To get to those clothes they mostly just annoy their parents for them or they take criminal actions.Most of them are just insecure kids that try to fit in.After all they are children of dizel/90s Serbian criminals culture ,gopniks and hypebeasts.They do not get much into political and societal problems they are to dumb for them.If you in the slightest question anything about the orthodox religion they will mark you as a threat.They listen to mumble rap and new wave of ex-Yugoslav territory rap , sometimes they listen to turbofolk.If you ever listened to metal or rock or punk just once by defalut you are in a sect.They go out just to do coke,fight with otheres.They think They have close bonds with eachother but they actually just stick together for safety in numbers.Modern Serbian politics of dumbing people down have increased the gaser culture with the youth.The ratio would be 20 gasers to 1 non-gaser.Some gaser groups have hierarchy while others function trought anarchy.When they pick a fight with you they provoke you to say cuss at them first so then they have some reason to attack you.It could be the dumbest statement like "I dont like ur dogs tail".If they want to fight you the show up in enormous numbers and always have links to older criminals.
Dejan:Hey why is Andreja not going out with us any more ?
Marko:Well he bought that Nike tracksuit so now he must go with the gasers.
Dejan:Makes sense he always was an unproductive,dumb,insecure piece of shit who had money and never wanted help with his problems or to do anything intellectual.
by Popendix March 1, 2020
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