1 definition by PoetDisguised

The Joana that I know is someone special, someone with a big heart, and I don't say this in a lightly way being I someone picky about people. Joana is kind and cares for his family and friends and even strangers, because that's part of her profession. She's someone with a strong and fun personality, once you talk about something she's into she will "bombard" you, in a good way, with messages which shows her excitement about it. I love that about her because we have many conversations like those and they are always so insightful and kinda addictive in a way because she's so interesting and enjoys deep subjects like me, but don't get me wrong, she also likes to goof around sometimes too ahah. She usually shows a shy smile and has kind brown eyes and behind all of it her truly beautiful soul shines, I see it very clearly. I could go on and on talking about Joana, that's how much she means to me and because I feel that I really get her and she gets me.
Joana is someone that will always try to make your day a little bit better
by PoetDisguised December 3, 2021
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