18 definitions by Plenty of Fish

Giving a relationship time to breathe and not rushing into it.
I’ve told my mate Alex that I think him and his new girl need some proofing before they move in together, they don’t know each other very well yet!
by Plenty of Fish November 12, 2020
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Getting caught out by your partner for using outlandish excuses.
Totally caught Ben Barnard-castling last night when he tried to bluff his way out of why he didn’t have dinner ready. His excuse was downright pathetic!
by Plenty of Fish November 12, 2020
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When a Zoom date spends the entire time checking themselves out in the camera instead of looking at the person they're on a date with.
I was on a first Zoom date with this girl and she was totally Zoomlander-ing – I don't think she even knows what I look like!
by Plenty of Fish November 10, 2020
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Fancying someone based on their fashion sense
I’ve been trying to get to know Brian for his personality, but I’ve got total Connell-vision, I only fancy his outfits. I can’t help it though, he’s got such great style!
by Plenty of Fish November 12, 2020
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Making your social media accounts private so prospective dates can't creep on you, because hello – no one likes a creeper!
So we haven't even met in person but he already "liked" a bunch of photos deep on my Instagram, and that's when I knew I had to start stalk-blocking.
by Plenty of Fish November 10, 2020
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Being so focused on fairytale romance that expectations don’t match reality.
Betty is totally folklore-ing James because she is too busy waiting for her White Horse and her White Veil occasion.
by Plenty of Fish November 10, 2020
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A woman who in many cases involving internet dating sites will solicit invitations from men for a formal dinner date (and expect the man to pay 100% of the cost) with no intention of actually dating the man or getting involved in a relationship. These ladies use this scenario for their own purpose of entertainment and a free meal and at the end of such date the “date digger” usually will tell the man that they are not interested or there was no chemistry. Protection from this sort of mal-treatment by unscrupulous women is to up front ask them to a Dutch date (50/50) where each party splits the cost of the meal. This is totally acceptable as if the woman is truly interested in wanting to meet a respectful man for a potential relationship then the dinner being used as a bribe or entertainment, thus both parties are free to enjoy each other’s company by truly getting to know each. If it does not work or either party does not like the other for whatever reason then each can go their own ways not feeling taken advantage of. Most will find that the “Date Digger” will become offended, or decline the date under these circumstances, and the man should immediately move on ignoring any of her attempts to coheres him into going thru with it, these situations should be a red flag that she is not truly interested in getting to know him or being involved in a serious relationship.
Sandy a "Date Digger" joined an internet dating site and was subjected to hundreds of men asking her out for a date, she quickly became narcissistic and self-centered her ego overinflated she used these men to obtain free meals at different restaurants any night of the week from a different men with no intention of having a relationship with any of the men.
by Plenty of Fish December 7, 2010
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