17 definitions by Pizzaeater69
Person 1: I heard jimmy cheated on his girlfriend
Person 2: Yea I heard she gave him a good testtrusion.
Person 2: Yea I heard she gave him a good testtrusion.
by Pizzaeater69 December 4, 2019
Typically known as Karen or Sharon, pops up during segments of pornos and tends to make you flaccid due to their ugly complexion and manager complaint attitude.
by Pizzaeater69 December 4, 2019
Is the blood of an Italian woman’s period and using it as marinara sauce for your pasta and or pizza. It can also be used for dipping as well
by Pizzaeater69 December 5, 2019
A black person who resembles an undocumented Italian
by Pizzaeater69 December 4, 2019
He’s a really nice guy who puts himself in front of everyone else. He is also a really hot Italian guy with some nice baggage and comes out on top. He has a nice salsicce in his pants and nice pepperoni nips that taste like carne. He is very nice and busts a nice load
by Pizzaeater69 December 4, 2019
Also known as Joseph is a all in all A+ student when it comes to school and is very kind and caring. However when the sun sets he becomes quiet the party animal if you know what I mean. He is a inspiration to all and always misses his AA meetings. He’s a party animal that’s not afraid to get tanked on a Saturday night before church the next day! Let’s get fuckeddd!!!!!!!!!
by Pizzaeater69 December 4, 2019
by Pizzaeater69 December 4, 2019