1 definition by Pimpmasta G

A person that sometimes is brilliantly funny, but can be a pain in the ass as well.
His main problem is that he does not know when to stop. This has caused numerous problems in the past, and is presumed to have a negative impact in the future as well.
His main points of focus are Iris and Melanie. He seems to fancy Annemijn.
This specimem of the human species can be heared from several miles away, so you will always know when he is in your vicinity.
Zelda is his favorite game.
Jorik: Yo mamma is sooooooooooo fat!
We: Funny
(several hours later)
Jorik: Yo mamma is sooooooooooo fat!
We: Shut up!!
by Pimpmasta G November 24, 2004
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