1 definition by People you should meet

Nanda is a friend will never forget you a d will be by your side of ever needed. No task is to much for him and he won't care of the sacrifices in order to help you. A Nanda is socialy quite, but will speak his mind when the time comes. He's someone that you should have in your life and not leave. If you get the rare chance of getting close to him on an emotional level, keep that, a Nanda puts his trust in you and himself to continue relationships. He's a good looking guy who won't show off. If you get to know him it's because he allows it. A Nanda is a protective person who will take your hits so that you won't. If you become friends with a Nanda keep him.
Person1:"Hey is that Nanda?"
Person1:"I wish he would talk more, maybe open up about himself"
Person2:"I wouldn't count on it, he wont show emotion unless he likes you, or considers you a friend"
by People you should meet December 12, 2020
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