2 definitions by PenisPickingPecker

Gowet's origins date back to August 2015. Gowet's meaning has changed throughout its early usage but nowadays Gowet is used when someone 1. Says something stupid, 2. Does something stupid, 3. Doesn't understand, 4. Has nothing better to say, etc.
Ex 1. Do you understand now?
Ex 2. Bruh I'm so high right now.
by PenisPickingPecker July 5, 2017
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A non-Jewish school kid who argues and likes to pick fights with other students. Usually unintelligent. Other names: jewisch hambley, Jewish hamboner, jew ham, Jamarcus hamson.
Did you hear about Gabriel Iglesias?
Yeah he's a total Jewish Hambly.
by PenisPickingPecker December 28, 2015
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