127 definitions by PartisanZ

The 'Free-Range' Rule or Reign-range or scope or scale or 'Age' of Market Dictatorshop* Faschism : a contraduction* in terms.
Corporation State Faschism went Free-Reignge during the Reagan-Thatcher and Rogerednomics eras.
by PartisanZ March 26, 2022
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Also Denycracy : The crazed governmeant* of (Huxley's) 'Ruling Oligarchs', funded upon the Denial of Natural Ethics 'Advancement' aka "Forever Change" - Jacinda Ardern on 1NEWS Breakfast, Mon 7 Dec 2020 - note the date.

"If all Life is sacrosanct aka sacred or holy, with equal rights to and equally worthy of development, then Love requires an 'Order' by which the development of each and every one is possible."

- Frank E Warner 'Future of Man' (London 1944).

To misquote 'The Lacemaker', "He passed beside us very close, and yet we did not see him: For he is one of those people who make no sign; whom one must know 'How to See'!"
The 'Demicrotic'* Denycrazy refused to see impending Climate Change Cataclysms as the mega f*ckedocudramas* 'Death of Oceans 1' & 'Peak Toxicity' approached their 'Release-Dates'.
by PartisanZ July 13, 2022
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Egonomic*, Industrial & Political 'Rule' by Oligarchs in Super-Yacht Behemoths at sea.

"By means of ever more sophisticated and effective methods of mass mind-manip­ulation, the democracies will change their nature; the quaint old forms— elections, parliaments, Supreme Courts and all the rest—will remain.

The underlying substance will be a new kind of non-violent totalitari­anism.

All the traditional names, all the hallowed slo­gans will remain exactly what they were in the good old days.

Democracy and freedom will be the theme of every broadcast and editorial—but democracy and free­dom in a strictly Pickwickian sense.

Meanwhile the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite of word-sol­diers, behavior-policemen, thought-manufacturers and mind-manipulators will quietly run the show as they see fit.“ — Aldous Huxley, book Brave New World Revisited
AOTEAROA New Zealand got itself into the position of major boatbuilder and refitter for the international Yachtoligarchy.
by PartisanZ July 26, 2022
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THe* personal influence and communal influentze and pervsuasion* of 'Church doctrines inimical to Life' upon people and Peoples.
One of the severel* foundations of Western Christendom, our present form of dominant Social Organization, is the Parsonal,
by PartisanZ April 11, 2022
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The extraordinary order of the next and extra order of things, coming soon to a planet near *Thanks to All of Us*
ALLZ1 and 1ZALL in the extrorder of things, AND, will the Rock Roll to BEING?
by PartisanZ July 11, 2023
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*Perfuckt - Inversely Perfect.

"Hatred and struggle - (obscessive* competition & pyscho-sociopathic 'Oppositionality') - are no more serviceable as principles of Life than collision is as a guiding principle in the journeys of the stars."

- Frank E Warner 'Future of Man' 1944
The NZ National Party's "sound, long-term solutions" to the "housing affordability crisis" they themselves identified in 2007 proved to be perfuckt. They achieved NOTHING but making the shituation* worse.
by PartisanZ May 18, 2022
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The internet of constant Inferencial* thingz ~ Infernal Inference ~ Infernality ~ creatatures* of infomention* and infomentation* ; the Globalized *rumor, gossip & hearsay* "Trouble at Mill!" Mill aka F*ckTORY.
The infernet was raging that day with misinformation about everything c*ntentious : the Book of problems and Victimology from Covid to Covid.
by PartisanZ August 17, 2023
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