2 definitions by Pappu Sambhar

a person who procrastinates until like 2:30 AM the night before the test and gets a 100. Basically the average white guy, but this white guy wants to go to UPenn or an American Born Confused Desi whos trying to blend into White Culture
Bro, I think I just whiteballed that test!!
by Pappu Sambhar November 8, 2019
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Procrastinating until the day before the exam and staying up until 2:30 AM Studying and then get a 100. Basically your average white guy but this white guy wants to go to UPenn or is an American Born Confused Desi trying to blend in by being as white as possible
Bro, I totally just whiteballed that test!
by Pappu Sambhar November 8, 2019
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