2 definitions by Paleosis

Defined as a mildly annoying prank, like moving someone's pencil case 3 inches to the left or putting a piece of paper labelled "Bonzai" in someone's backpack. Members can be involved in complex bonzai wars, where the two parties try to make like slightly more difficult for the other. It is frowned upon to involve a non-bonzaier in a bonzai war.

Comedic replacing a verb with 'bonzai'
*moves book to another table* Bonzai!!!

Informal/Comedic President William Henry Harrison bonzaied the USA by dying 31 days into his presidency
by Paleosis February 14, 2018
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A terminal mental illness that makes the victim unable to learn certain languages. Those afflicted by paleosis are also known to exhibit anxiety and depression. The only known cure is an injection of Simardium.
"Damn, my teacher is autistic and bipolar. She's really giving me paleosis right now."
by Paleosis December 23, 2017
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