13 definitions by PCone

A racial slur referring to people of East Asian descent. Most commonly it is a shortened version of the term zipperhead, but may also have a seperate origin as Vietnam War slang, an acronym for "Zero Intelligence Potential", in reference to enemy combatants/civilians (of Southeast Asian descent) that were unlikely to provide any worthwhile intelligence information, ie: just kill them, no reason to interrogate them.
Veteran Joe: "Learn English ya got-dam zip!"
by PCone November 15, 2009
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A racial slur referring to people of East Asian descent, coined by US soldiers during the Korean War. There are multiple proposed origins, but the most commonly accepted is that it if enemy Asian soldiers were shot in the head with high-powered weapons, their heads would split as if they had been "unzipped". Another origin could be that when enemy soldiers were ran over by military Jeeps, there would be tire tracks on them that resembled zippers. It's violent origin makes it a particularly derogatory pejorative.

It is often shortened to zip, though zip as a racial pejorative may have separate origins of its own
Veteran Joe: "Those goddamn zipperheads are taking over our neighborhoods and stealing our jobs!"
by PCone November 15, 2009
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Used in North America, to refer to an American Indian (Native American) who is "red on the outside, white on the inside". It is used primarily by other American Indians to indicate someone who has lost touch with their cultural identity, similar to terms such as banana and Oreo.
Dancing-Buffalo left the reservation, changed his name to Chris and stopped coming to powwows. He's an apple.
by PCone November 15, 2009
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A predominantly UK expression which originally was a children's literature character and type of black doll but which eventually became to be used as a jibe against people with dark skin (black people), most commonly Afro-Caribbeans.
Naomi Campbell reportedly assaulted a British Airways employee after he referred to her as a "Golliwog supermodel".
by PCone November 15, 2009
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A racial slur referring to people of Native American descent. It is based on the disproportionately high prevalence of alcoholism among Native Americans communities, and the resulting stereotypes of Native Americans as frequent consumers/abusers of alcohol.
Those chugs need to stay on the reservation, their stinkin up the town!
by PCone November 15, 2009
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a black woman, depicted as rotund, homely and matronly.

The mammy is an archetype, portraying a domestic servant of African descent who is generally good-natured, often overweight, and loud. The stereotypical mammy is portrayed as obsequiously servile or acting in, or protective of, the interests of whites

Although the word "mammy" is a variant of "mother" and was common in North America, it is now rarely used and typically considered an ethnic slur. In parts of the UK however, mammy is still widely used as a synonym for "mother" by young people, without any racial connotation.
Quaker Oats recently gave their "Aunt Jemima" pancake syrup bottle a makeover to remove the racially insensitive mammy image.
by PCone November 15, 2009
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a black woman who "kisses up" to whites; a "sellout"; the female counterpart to Uncle Tom.
Keisha: 'Quanda! Ever since you got that job you've been lettin those white people walk all over you!
LaQuanda: Whateva girlfriend, a girl gotta get paid, right?
Keisha: Aunt Jemima please, you aint foolin nobody. You's black!
by PCone November 15, 2009
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