90 definitions by Oz

similar to a wad, only not as thick in consistency, and not lumpy, a regular load generally
ahh it was so satisfying to leave a quat behind
by Oz May 23, 2003
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Short for Red vs Blue, comedy movies made by rooster teeth productions using halo.
Qoute from episode 14:

Sarge: They're definitely special ops, I haven't seen troops move this way since my days on-WICURGERHERGER
by Oz March 5, 2005
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A mockery of the saying "Mexican Jumping Bean". Some attempt to make another crappy jewish joke.
Bob: Hey look, a jewish jumping bean.
Everyone near bob: Haha.. no.
by Oz April 3, 2005
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"Check That buff tingz flexxin it in that avirex"
by Oz August 8, 2003
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1. A fish
2. A derogatory term for a Jewish person.
1. Lets go kyke fishing.
2. Bob: You're a kyke.
Jeff: (shoots bob in the ass)
by Oz March 25, 2005
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Something that seems so hard to reach because everyone has a different view of it. Peace means to be even, safe, no fighting, killing. Sometimes peace can only be achieved by death of those who disorient peace.
Hitler is dead, he killed over 20 million people but now that he is dead he can't harm anyone.
by Oz January 21, 2005
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