18 definitions by Overeducatedunderachievinglose

A certificate slut is someone who continuously get cheap internet classes and certifies them self in different things in order to appear more intelligent than they are. A certificate slut pays for class after class in order to get their accomplishments and certificates posted on social media.
This certificate slut pays 14.99 for a class and thinks she's an expert on everything.

I never met a certificate slut before. She spent her whole paycheck on internet degrees that take two days to complete and then ours on their resume like they graduated Harvard.

Don't listen to that certificate slut. She only takes classes in order to be an expert on everything to impress guys into thinking she's smart.

A certificate slut has a banging body and is hot and yet no self esteem so she gets online certificates to make others think she has a brain.
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Eepisode where you are feeling like you're halfway in a coma and halfway in your body. It's like being comatosed but from Cannabis usage making it stomatoast. To be in the state you must have smoked too much reefer or too much medical marijuana has been consumed.
I get stomatoast or stomatoastedevery night I use medical marijuana

His eyes so red he's totally stomatoast.
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An original babe who works out non stop, is loyal to her friends and family. Is fun loving, has the greatest haircut. Men and women fall in love with a Chloe crissey at the drop of a heartbeat. She is secure and a classy yet hobo hippy chick. Ambition is contagious. She is amazing all around. She is a badass bitch that has your side ride or die kind of chick.
I met the hottest Chloe crissey last night at the gym, I had to walk two hours just to get a chance to talk to her when her headphones battery died “
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A chemical in adderall. One of two amphetamines used. It is also an ADHD medication that is used on its own or in combination with other ADHD medications
I used dextromethamphetamine to lose 50 pounds dude
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