4 definitions by Original_MNH

Derived from and used in place of the word "liquor". It was first used by two members of the well known ABXY group of friends from The Reeds, Centurion, South Africa in early to mid 2017. Since then it has spread across the country and even the continent.
"Is everything cool, bruh?"

"Yeah man, just lit off the liq!"
by Original_MNH June 29, 2017
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A person who feels that they can never have enough deodorant, perfume or cologne. They sprey intense amounts in hopes that people think that they smell good when it is actually overwhelming.
Guy 1: Dude, you don't have to spray on that AXE Body Spray every 5 minutes.

Guy 2: I need to stay fresh for the ladies, man!

Guy 1: Wow... you're such smellcoholic
by Original_MNH November 7, 2014
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SRN - Smiling Right Now

When you're chatting to someone and they say or send something funny or good, but not enough for you to actually laugh.
Friend: *sends meme*

You: "srn wow bro who comes up with his stuff?"
by Original_MNH April 19, 2021
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Samesexification is adding same-sex to anything that two people of the same gender are doing, to make them feel awkward.
Mike: “Let’s grab a beer after work, dude?”

Eric: “Yeah, I love same-sex drinking with you.”

Mike: 😐 “why would you samesexify that?”
by Original_MNH November 22, 2021
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